Wednesday, 25 November 2009

First day back at school after being sick.

Hello, everyone!!
It's Clodagh here.Well, considering no one else works at this blog, it wouldn't be my imaginary friend now, would it? Anywho, back to the subject. So it was my first day back at school. I got roughly about, oh,THREE HOURS SLEEP LAST NIGHT.I can never sleep these days, God knows why. So,if God IS reading this blog and you DO know why I can't sleep at night, it would be much appeceated if you could be able to let me sleep. So I was very tired, annoyed and sad. So in the end I had an asthma attack, 15 minutes before I had to go to school. And I still had to go to school. That was ok, considering I was attack as soon as I walked in the lunch hall where all my friends were. But that was ok. I surrived the day. Now, to tell you all that Clodagh Alesha Catherine Gribben is a slightly ong name, but it's one letter compared to some of my friends names. Roisin Teresa Terese Do-Nelly. and Ellen-May Boyle McAree. and Rebbecca-Janye McKillen. They are LONG names. So anyway. You can call me Coda. There is a story behind that which I will now bore you with. So haha to YOU. So, much to my annoyance, in Primary school everyone call me Clodaghbear due to the fact I had an obsession with bears. This went on for years, then the movie BROTHER BEAR came out with Coda in it. One day I snapped and said they should just call me Coda instead. So they did, and the nickname has stuck to this day. My friends have petnames too, Kitty cat, Kiwi, Vicky-boo-boo, etc. Anyway, please bear with me until I can drag my cousin Ryan round here to show me how to put pictures here. So, Bye for now,
Peace,Love and icecream,

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